Join Us Today
At Institute for Global Higher Education at DKU, we believe in fostering talent and empowering individuals to thrive in a dynamic and collaborative environment. Our team is dedicated to innovation, growth, and making a positive impact, and we’re always looking for passionate individuals to join us on this journey.
Current Openings
1. China Director of the Institute for Global Higher Education / 全球高等教育研究院主任(中国)
Position Overview
Duke Kunshan University (DKU) invites applications for the China Director of the Institute for Global Higher Education and a tenured faculty position to begin in July, 2025.
We are seeking an intellectual leader and institution-builder who possesses administrative experience and a record of organizational success. We especially encourage candidates with expertise in areas such as comparative and/or global higher education, Chinese and East Asian higher education, Sino-US academic cooperation, liberal arts education, the science of teaching and learning, and innovation strategies in higher education.
The successful candidate will serve as the China-based lead for the institute’s research, practice, and outreach portfolio and teach two courses annually as part of DKU’s broad interdisciplinary majors and will be a faculty member in one or more of these majors which sit within and across the university’s academic divisions. The China Director reports to the Dean for Academic Strategy and Learning Innovation who oversees the IGHE’s global programming.
The full position description is posted at Academic Jobs Online.
- 具备较强的学术领导力和机构构建能力,拥有多年成功管理经验。
- 熟悉中国高等教育体系和机制。
- 能熟练使用中英文作为工作语言。
- 须拥有相关领域的博士学位或同等学历。具备博士后(或更高)研究经验和教学经验者优先,且具有跨学科工作经验者尤佳。
- 优先考虑具备以下专业领域知识或工作经验的候选人:比较高等教育,全球化与高等教育、中国及东亚高等教育、中美学术合作、博雅教育、教学法、高等教育创新战略。
- 担任研究院的中国本土负责人,全面主持教学创新研究、实践及对外合作交流项目。
- 作为跨学科专业教师,每年讲授两门课程。
- 向负责全球学术战略与学习创新的院长汇报。
申请者需提供一封包含陈述对DKU和IGHE感兴趣的求职信、详细简历、学术研究陈述、教学陈述以及三封推荐信。所有材料要求使用英文,并通过Academic Jobs Online提交。我们将优先考虑2025年1月30日之前收到的申请。职位将持续接受申请,直至职位被填补为止。
我们欢迎业界人士向我们推荐优秀候选人,相关推荐和提名以及关于职位的询问可通过电子邮件发送至 dku-academicaffairs@dukekunshan.edu.cn,邮件主题请注明“IGHE China Director”。